What does it mean to be "Carbon neutral"?
'Environmental Impact'
Dear Community,
As promised, this week we would like to share with you the second value that characterises some of our brands in April's Fashion Revolution - reducing environmental impact. While the fashion industry is booming, increasing attention is being paid to the impressive negative environmental impacts that this industry is responsible for. Clothing production accounts for 10% of the carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities. That's more than international flights and cruises combined! In addition, 24% of global emissions come from energy used in industrial processes. We need many solutions to decarbonise the economy, there is no single one!
But what exactly does it mean to be carbon neutral?
Carbon neutrality is commonly - and equivocally - associated with an industry that emits no emissions at all. Instead, it is achieved when a balance is reached between the emission of carbon dioxide and its absorption from the atmosphere: companies, processes and products become carbon neutral when they calculate their carbon emissions and offset what they have produced through projects to compensate for these emissions. It is irrelevant where the emissions are produced or avoided. Therefore, emissions that cannot be avoided locally can be offset by projects elsewhere! Each offset is officially measured, counted, certified and tracked to ensure that it provides the maximum environmental benefit.
Let's discover together some of the carbon neutral brands you will find at KauriStore!
The environmental responsibility of the brand Lanius is based on minimising carbon emissions. Each year, in cooperation with experts, they determine the CO2 emissions of their commercial and production activities and offset it through a project that supports the expansion of renewable energy in the Caribbean island of Aruba. The SS 22 collection, in fact, is made using this wind energy. In the beginning, the energy supply on the island depended mainly on diesel and other fossil fuels, with the disadvantage of being imported at high cost from abroad and causing significant amounts of CO2 emissions. Thanks to this pioneering project, the island's main energy resource - wind - is being put to good use. In this way, the project saves around 152,783 tonnes of CO2 per year, which electricity from fossil fuels would cause.

The Dutch brand O my Bag manages to offset the carbon dioxide emitted by their production by investing in various projects, such as the Envira Amazonia project, which prevents deforestation of the Amazon forest and protects biodiversity. This precious natural region plays a key role in the Earth's health: it stores 90 to 140 billion tonnes of CO2, and its continued destruction causes huge amounts of this substance to be released into the atmosphere, with catastrophic consequences for the environment. Thanks to this project, thousands of acres of rainforest eco-systems are preserved, while at the same time various educational programmes, schools, clinics and direct payments for forest conservation are offered to rural forest communities.